» » Bad Romance: The Vicky White Story

Bad Romance: The Vicky White Story Film Streaming Complet

Every day for divorced (Wendi McLendon-Covey) is like the movie Groundhog Day – mundane and every day just like the previous. But when new prisoner Casey White (Rossif Sutherland) is brought to her facility, the two develop a secret infatuation. Vicky gives Casey special attention, believing he’s the only man to see her the way she wants to be seen. But when Casey’s inevitable transfer to a lengthy prison sentence approaches, Vicky decides to take desperate action. Risking everything, Vicky manages to break Casey out of jail and takes him on the run, eluding authorities on an eleven-day dash for freedom. For Vicky, even the probable tragedy ahead of them is worth the chance to live life fully once more.

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